Easy way to Make Hand Soap
Easy way to Make Hand Soap
- The Ingredients
- Procedure
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Are you tired about spending money days after days . Here the best place to learn the about saving MONEY . I am always buy home goods fresh air, perfume, deodorant, kindle, body wash, dish washer, and every couple weeks or months they run out . I started doing little research out how can i make my own stuff with will help me to save little of money and time. In this case we are going to make hand soap , handwasher and foam hand washer . There no difference from all of them , it is just depend on what container you put in. The foam recipient will make the soap come with foam. If you just have a regular bottle or recipient just make the liquid( castile+ water) little bit viscous
- The Ingredients:
- Distilled water
- Castile soap
- Bottle
- Cups or Measurement
- Optional scent ( avocado oil, olive oil)
- Procedure: Combine Your Ingredients.
Step 1:
Pour ⅔ cup of distilled water into your mixing bowl.
Step 2:
Into your mixing bowl, add ⅓ cup of liquid castile soap, and any optional essential oils for scent.
Step 3:
Add a small amount of the thickening ingredient of your choice – saltwater, borax, or glycerin – to your mixing bowl.
Here my YouTube Channel for the Procedure
Only add a teaspoon of thickener at first. Then using a whisk, spatula, or mixing spoon, gently make sure your ingredients are thoroughly combined. You should see your soap begin to thicken right away.
Keep adding more of your thickening ingredient in very small amounts, taking care not to over-thicken your soap. You want to stop when your soap is no longer watery but still retains a smooth, flowing viscosity.
Some scents of castile soap (or added essential oils) may require more of your thickening agent than others.
If you are planning to use your soap in a foaming dispenser, remember to keep it on the thinner side.
Note: It is important to add one of these thickening ingredients so that your hand soap will be thick enough to be used safely in a pump-style dispenser. If you do not want to add a thickener, do not use your soap in a pump-style or pressurized dispenser. It can still be used safely in a pour-style container.
Step 4:
Transfer your hand soap from the mixing bowl into your dispensers, or into a larger container for storage. As long as you use distilled water, your soap should be safe to store indefinitely.
Step 5:
Enjoy Washing your hands!!!
Note: This soap recipe is less likely to separate upon standing than our other Castile-based recipes, but if you notice the ingredients beginning to settle, gently turn your bottle upside-down a few times to recombine without creating too many suds.
Check out our brand new Liquid Castile Soap in the “Soap + Shampoo Bars” section of our Growing Organic Shop. This is the latest addition to our Lactobacillus line of all-natural probiotic and vegan soaps, and you can count on it to deliver all of the same skin-loving probiotic benefits that you have come to love. We are happy to offer four customer-favorite, all-natural scents of liquid castile soap, including “Frankincense, Tea Tree & Lavender” “Lavender”, “Patchouli”, and “Peppermint and Eucalyptus”, as well as an “Unscented” option.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, as always please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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